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Advanced Uninstaller PRO 11.37 Portable Free Download

Advanced Uninstaller PRO 11

Advanced Uninstaller PRO 11.37 Portable Latest Download Free Full Version

Advanced Uninstaller PRO is a software that can help you improve your computer by uninstalling programs and repair Windows registry keys .

In " general tools " tab, you can uninstall the software ( and use the search function ) , begin the installation screen , configure the programs that run automatically when the system starts , and the start of " management services " , as well as turn on the vacuum fast on your web browsers , trash , run history , and recent documents , and temporary files .

Moreover , you can clean up , improve , and backup and restore the log entries and windows , view reports on the software installed , the installation logs , and startup applications and services and lines , as well as configure the automatic scheduling and create shortcuts for specific tools .

The program takes up a moderate amount of system resources , and includes a well-written help file did not pop up on any kind of errors during our tests . Because it is very easy to work with , we recommend Advanced Uninstaller PRO for all users.


Advanced Uninstaller download

Advanced Uninstaller Professional

Features of Advanced Uninstaller Pro:
- Cancel easily applications and programs. The program starts much faster than the Control Panel Add / Remove applet , and has a handy quick search function .
- Cancel or disable and enable Control Panel icons .
- Remove items left behind in the Add / Remove section after the cancellation of the program.
- Manage the fonts installed on your computer .
- Hide, show or sort your Start menu shortcuts . Automatically find and delete the non-working shortcuts on your desktop and Start Menu .
- Find and delete temporary files and trash .
- Delete the list of recently opened files from programs such as Microsoft Office, Windows Media Player , ICQ, MSN, WinZip , RealPlayer, and Kazaa, Morpheus , WinAmp , etc.
- Delete Internet history trail ( information about the pages you visited , addresses you typed , cookies, etc. ) .

Advanced Uninstaller PRO 11.37 Portable Free Download Below

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